
Music & Feelings

Life is full of emotions. No person on earth has no feelings. Let it be a mother, teacher, thief, terrorist.
All people in this world are bound with feelings. A mother with the feeling of love. A teacher with feeling of concern. A thief with the feeling of hostility and a terrorist with a feeling anger. All people have some or the other kind of feelings. So does music. Each and every type of music has great deal of feelings in it. Love, sadness, anger, name it and its there. Music a medium which can change people's lives in any way- good or bad. It can create the feeling of love in one while feeling of anger or despair in other. Music has the great power of heeling autistic children which even drugs cant. Just as a fan bring coolness to us music brings in the wave of feelings in our hearts. Liten to music listen to life.

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