
Life Style and Health!!

Parents, please note, just by adding a piece of an apple or a glass of hot milk to your child's depression you could protect them from depression, anxiety and disobedience, a new study has claimed. A team at the Telathon Institute for Child Health Research at Perth in Australia has carried out a study of more than 800 students and found that a complex breakfast is directly linked to better mental health in kids.

Globally, fitness and health draw a lot of interest. Living long and living healthy are more important than simply staying alive, gasping for breath and expecting people to wheel you around or hold your hand as you exert yourself to climb up a flight of stairs.

In today's past fast pacing life, people are leading a very unhealthy lifestyle. The increasing rate of health diseases, stress levels, lack or inadequate sleep are some of the results of this fast life, eating junk and odd eating hours.

Walking is the safest start towards exercise routine. Walking helps burn fat, boosts energy level and decreases health risks. It provides cardiovascular benefits and reducing blood sugar levels.

Watching television causes obesity, diabetes and sleeplessness. Watching television could lead to obesity because children tend to eat more when glued to the small screen. It was found that every two hours spent watching television, there is a 23% percent increase in the the risk of obesity and a 14% increase in diabetes whereas brisk walking for one hour every day can reduce obesity in 24% and diabetes by 34% percent. So no couch potatoes please!!! Also, watching television causes sleep deficit and can affect the child alertness in school!


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