
Integration & Differenciation in Real life

¤After we complete our 10th we get introduced to a new subject called Calculus. Which includes differentiation and integration. Everyone find it hard to understand these two words. We have that thought in our mind as to why use this and stuff. But actually they have simple meanings. Differentiation involves conversion of macro to micro, and Integration micro to macro. For example, in real life if you differentiate a house you will get a brick, if you differentiate yourself according to physics and maths you will get a Bio molecule. Same way if you integrate a brick you will get a house or a building made up of bricks. And if u integrate a cell you will get a human body. This way Differentiation and Integration can be easily understood. Also we can bring out many other examples to understand this topic.  So after you read this don't scratch your head again in understanding the basic meaning of these terms. Whenever you have a problem try to differentiate it it will get solved.  And if you have an idea that could change something,  don't stop yourself from integrating it¤

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