
The Stranger In Me !!

In the deepest caverns of my heart, in the furthest corners of my mind,
There lies a companion, a guarding presence,
A formless friend,
A stranger in me.

He wakes me up at dawn, He tired me by dusk,
He makes me feel hungry when my body needs food,
He controls me, in every thought of mind, in every action of body ;
He is within me, but without as well. Truly,
A stranger in me.

He guides me through all walks of life, be it bright or bleak.
Like a caring mother, nourishes my soul when situations turn bitter.
Like a strict father, chides me when i divert from the path of morals,
Like a true friend, praises me when I excel.
How many roles does this thin enigmatic presence play? I am grateful that I have,
The stranger in me.

He has no likes, nor dislikes;
He is neither cold, nor warm;
He wants nothing of mine, but he sustains me
He is perfect, the kind of perfect that humans quest for.
He is the one who remains awake after I sleep, He is
The stranger in me.

He pulls the strings of my life,
Judges my every action;
He patiently listens to all my sorrows,
And offers soothing consolation.
He knows all about me, But I know very little about Him;
Truly strange,is he not?
The stranger in me.

All have a stranger in them, a twist in the plane of logic,
Who feds their souls, fuels their passions,
And in accordance to situations, offers reactions.
Many people, like me, endeavour to find Him.
Scientists want to quantify Him, Philosophers want to realize Him;
But after deep thought and retrospect.
It dawned on me that the Stranger, is no stranger at all.
He is the one who makes me unique, sets me apart from all else.
He is the one who governs my thoughts, and makes me listen to what it tells.
This might be absurd, as it makes no sense to me too,
But if I look deep inside, deeper than the cloudy veil of thoughts and emotions,
I found the core essence of my being, and realized that,
The stranger in me.

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